Friday, December 6, 2019
Are you looking for deals on Amazon?
I wanted to share deals with my readers and see if there were any particular products you were looking for when you are online shopping. I am always on the hunt for deals for our family. I am looking for deals on clothes, everyday items, and gifts for upcoming events. Comment with what you search for on Amazon!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Online Shopping
Do you have an online shopping addiction? I swear, I do! Only with deals. I continually see feeds of sales, and I compare the pricing from retail to sale price. Amazon has become the worst thing for me! I find myself searching Amazon at night for so many things. It truly is taking over the shopping world. I love Amazon deals, but I am the type depending on the product I have to see it in person before I purchase it.
I have seen so many people that have youtube feeds about Wish and other companies that I see use Aliexpress or other drop ship companies. When looking for a deal, I have gone to Aliexpress because I said, hey, why not go to the source. That in itself is too much. Many companies sell the same product they say. You will see the same image used, but when do you genuinely get the item that is in the photo. That's a tricky one.
I am curious where has everyone been hunting for their deals. Are you stuck on Amazon or are you a part of a FB group that shows you sales?
I have seen so many people that have youtube feeds about Wish and other companies that I see use Aliexpress or other drop ship companies. When looking for a deal, I have gone to Aliexpress because I said, hey, why not go to the source. That in itself is too much. Many companies sell the same product they say. You will see the same image used, but when do you genuinely get the item that is in the photo. That's a tricky one.
I am curious where has everyone been hunting for their deals. Are you stuck on Amazon or are you a part of a FB group that shows you sales?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Black Friday
Black Friday is right around the corner. Are you heading out to shop, or are you staying in and finding deals online? I want to know, are you already done shopping? I cannot get over how organized people can be with gift-giving. I try I swear I try to be more organized. Last year I was just about done near black Friday, but this year I am not. When I think of shopping now, its what gift card are the kids looking for now. I remember the joy of thinking I found the perfect gift for the kids well that over! My kids have grown up, and now it's I don't want any gift except gift cards. Ugh! Why is it that when they get older, it gets harder to shop for them. I need to find ideas for an I think I am a teenager and a teenager. HELP! lol

Thursday, November 7, 2019
Good Cop, Bad Cop
This movie I swear is my fiance and I. I feel like I need things in order and planned like Drew Barrymore. When traveling I am the one scared of it all. He loves to play pranks on me when we are traveling. He has gone too far as to make it seem like he went off the side of cruise ship!
He and I love cruising and once when we went he thought it would be great to hide behind the spot you can't see on the balcony. I am that weirdo that has fears of being sucked off the side of the ship. Yes, I know that cannot happen, but it is my odd fear.
Well back to the whole blended thing. Fear is something that I have when trying to deal with being blended. The dreadful, am I stepping on toes, and am I that evil stepparent that we all love to say things about when you are a kid. I often question many things that I say and do.
When dealing with certain situations I feel like the bad cop while my fiance is the good cop. I take away things and say absolutely not! Am I wrong for that?! I know discipline should be given by the actual parent, but sometimes the stepparent needs to step in. I do not want to raise, bad kids.
So, the question is should the child only be disciplined by the one parent or do you think both? I know this might be a sensitive question for some.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Blended Families
I finally clicked back on this blog! I cannot believe it has been 5 years since I have been here writing to you all. Well, in five years, so much has changed. I have been through so many life changes that I have never shared with any of my readers. Well, in the time since I was continually writing to you all, I have gone through a divorce, tried to find myself, and found a new love. I am now engaged and will be going through the chaos of being a blended family.
Have you gone through this? Please share with us all how you have gone about keeping it light and easy for navigating through the waves of exes. I think we all could say good things and bad things, but I only want to focus on positive things.
I want to start sharing my life of all the good and bad with blending families together. I know I am in for a bumpy ride!
Have you gone through this? Please share with us all how you have gone about keeping it light and easy for navigating through the waves of exes. I think we all could say good things and bad things, but I only want to focus on positive things.
I want to start sharing my life of all the good and bad with blending families together. I know I am in for a bumpy ride!

Monday, July 14, 2014
This week I am doing my awesome Etsy finds. I want to focus on playhouses. I know all kiddos love those things. While flipping through it, I found ones that I wish I could have had when I was younger. The designs vary so much that I wanted to show you that there is a playhouse for every kind of kid. Time to hide out in your favorite place. Tell me a place that was your hideout or describe your playhouse.

Friday, June 27, 2014
My goodness, it has been forever since I actually took the time to add to this blog. I know my randomness is precisely what makes me me. My kiwi monster is beyond big now!!!! What in the world is happening? My days fly by like no tomorrow. It seems like just yesterday I was celebrating Kiwi's 8th birthday

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